Large corporations and professional associations manage large amounts of user registrations, but much of this data may be out of date due to changes in jobs, emails, and phone numbers. These changes affect the effectiveness of communication campaigns. To ensure the success of email, WhatsApp and phone call campaigns, it is essential to have high quality and segmented data by specific attributes. This segmentation improves the reach of communication, increasing interactions and other reactivity indicators (lead scoring).
We offer a comprehensive user qualification service based on email marketing applications, landing pages with automated forms, internet research and telephone calls. We use advanced platforms to optimize email sending and tracking, and create effective landing pages that automatically collect data. In addition, we perform searches and verifications for updated information and contact users directly to confirm and update their data.
We have a real-time control panel that allows us to monitor traffic on landing pages, measure the conversion rate of campaigns and analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of email campaigns and phone calls. This comprehensive approach guarantees an improvement in data accuracy and campaign effectiveness, achieving better results in communication with your users. We integrate with email marketing, ERP and CRM applications.