We design digital strategies and we develop web technologies to improve the relationship of citizens with commercial brands and public administrations, as well as to promote internationalization and expansion of the foreign commercial network.

immersion in Chile of an App, business opportunity with a technological partner or distributor

immersion app chile

The ACME company is interested in knowing if the computer application roadrunner It is scalable to Chile. For its commercialization, they are looking for a distributor with a technological profile who is in charge of the initial customization of the App and providing first-level after-sales service. If the App is self-configurable, a Chilean marketing company would work.

We propose the study of business model, the identification and qualification from a shortlist of interested companies, the communication with them via email and phone and maintain physical and/or virtual meetings with a list of possible reactive clients

A report will be made with the diagnosis of opportunity, competition, business model, potential clients and steps to follow.

The work plan would consist of the following stages::

  1. Conditions of the opportunity environment
  2. Business model
  3. Distributor profile
  4. Audience and communication
  5. Final report.

The final negotiation with the distributor is not included, nor the distribution contract model, which can be carried out by another of the legal professionals who make up the PMC33 offer as ASTUREX Foreign Network in Chile. https://www.pmc33.com/chile-importa 

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